Thursday, 5 May 2016

Some background

I have started this blog to revisit and, maybe, to revitalise the Millennium Tree Line project which I started in 1995 but which eventually almost disappeared as an active scheme.  Still, so long as the Zero Longitude line is designed the way it is and so long as trees grow the idea of planting on the Greenwich Meridian will remain.  So I will gather together such data and memories as I have to record what has been done and talk about what might be done in the future.

It has been said that there is no record of the trees that were planted in the 1995-1997 period. While I am sure there will be some at the University of Greenwich, I have the following that were put together by Catherine Freeman, the then project manager.  I will find many more as time goes by

Records of Tree Line trees planted in East Sussex, Surrey and London between October 1995 and February 1997
From Patrick Roper as supplied by Catherine Freeman
Peacehaven County Infant's School TQ409012 20 OCT 1995 Tilia platyphyllos East Sussex
Peacehaven County Infant's School TQ409012 20 OCT 1995 Acer campestre East Sussex
Peacehaven County Infants School TQ409012 20 OCT 1995 Buxus sempervirens East Sussex
Addington High School TQ394609 27 NOV 1996 Carpinus betulus Surrey
Addington High School TQ394609 27 NOV 1996 Carpinus betulus Surrey
Addington High School TQ394609 27 NOV 1996 Sorbus aucuparia Surrey
Addington High School TQ394609 27 NOV 1996 Sorbus aucuparia Surrey
Addington High School TQ394609 27 NOV 1996 Quercus sp. Surrey
Addington High School TQ394609 27 NOV 1996 Quercus sp. Surrey
Addington High School TQ394609 27 NOV 1996 Acer campestre Surrey
Addington High School TQ394609 27 NOV 1996 Acer campestre Surrey
Addington High School TQ394609 27 NOV 1996 Fraxinus excelsior Surrey
Addington High School TQ394609 27 NOV 1996 Fraxinus excelsior Surrey
Notre Dame School, Lingfield TQ397434 JUN 1996 Sorbus torminalis Surrey
Buntingford TL375295 MAY 1996 Sorbus aucuparia Beds.
The Ridgeway, Chingford TQ384944 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
Pretoria Road, Chingford TQ384941 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
Pretoria Road, Chingford TQ384941 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
Pretoria Crescent TQ384940 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
Pretoria Crescent, Chingford TQ384940 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
72 Elmfield Road, Chingford TQ384938 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
Endlebury Road, Chingford. TQ384937 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
New Road, beside 4 Peas Mead TQ384929 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
New Road, opposite Mead Cres. TQ384929 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
11 Larkshall Crescent, Chingford TQ384926 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
Coolgardie Avenue, by No. 1, H TQ384920 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
Coolgardie Avenue by 440 Larks TQ384920 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
Beside 100 Beech Hall Road, Ha TQ385913 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
159 Beech Hall Road, Hale End TQ385910 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
156 Crownfield Road, Leyton E1 TQ386855 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
Norlington Road by 203 New Road TQ386872 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
96/98 Cavendish Drive, Leytonstn TQ386873 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
23 James Lane, Whipps Cross, E TQ386878 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
Post Office, 863 Lea Bridge Ro TQ385887 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
Wood Street, Walthamstow. TQ385892 Autumn 1996 Platanus x hispanica London
220 Wood Street, Walthamstow TQ385892 Autumn 1996 Platanus x hispanica London
209 Wood Street, Walthamstow TQ385892 Autumn 1996 Platanus x hispanica London
215/217 Wood Street, Walthamst . TQ385892 Autumn 1996 Platanus x hispanica London
6 Upper Walthamstow Road TQ385895 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
Stocksfield Road, in grass tri TQ385895 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
Forest Road by Hale End Road r TQ385900 Autumn 1996 Platanus x hispanica London
Hale End Road opposite allotments TQ385908 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
Hale End Road by bus stop and TQ385908 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
Forest Road, eastbound carriagway TQ385900 Autumn 1996 Platanus x hispanica London
111/113 Grove Green Road TQ386864 Autumn 1996 Liquidambar London
Merlecommon TQ397495 04 FEB 1997 Alnus glutinosa Surrey
Merlecommon TQ396496 04 FEB 1997 Fraxinus excelsior Surrey
Merlecommon TQ397496 04 FEB 1997 Fraxinus excelsior Surrey
Merlecommon TQ397487 04 FEB 1997 Ilex aquifolium Surrey
Merlecommon TQ396493 04 FEB 1997 Quercus sp. Surrey
Merlecommon TQ396485 04 FEB 1997 Quercus sp. Surrey
Merlecommon TQ396484 04 FEB 1997 Alnus glutinosa Surrey
Merlecommon TQ397480 04 FEB 1997 Quercus sp. Surrey
Merlecommon TQ396488 04 FEB 1997 Quercus sp. Surrey
Our Lady of Lourdes I&J School TQ389756 27 FEB 1997 Prunus sp. London

Bonus Pastor Secondary School TQ390716 27 FEB 1997 Corylus avellana London 

Some of these trees may no longer be there, but I hope that many will be.

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